Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Song of Abraham and Myself

Your homework over this long Sukkot weekend is to write a song about "Lech Lecha" in your own life. I have linked the song we listened to in class as a model. You may use whatever style of song you like. You may submit the material to me either as a recording with a printed lyric sheet, or exclusively as a lyrics sheet with notations as to what melody you are using. This assignment is due on MONDAY and will count as a HOMEWORK grade.

Your song must be: 1. unique
2. personal
3. at least 1 minute long
4. related to one or more of the themes of Lech Lecha we have studied (isolation, finding your roots, fulfilling your potential, doing difficult things for your own good, recreating yourself, journey etc.)


Good luck!

Ms. Schwartz

Thursday, September 2, 2010


You all worked very hard today, and regardless of how well you did, I am very proud of you. This was a challenge, and you rose to meet it. Thank you for your effort and committment.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Types of Parshanut you should be familiar with


Pronoun and Antecedent



Gaps- before

Gaps- After

Gaps- backstory

Feldstern Midrash - aggadah, halacha, outside knowledge, modern ideas

Also, know and be familiar with the graph of idea + text = commentary.